Media has become a very big part of everyday life. It has an impact on many different things including gender. Media is changing the way you do things and the way you act. Media affects the way male and female look at themselves, and the way they think they should look like. There are many pictures showing what an individual should look like and this sets an image of the perfect person. This influences people for example media shows that men should look very strong and have a lot of muscle mass. On the other hand media makes women think they should be skinny which can cause things like anorexia. Kim Kardashian is a very good example of someone who will set this image of the perfect person.

Media can also impact the economy with through advertisements on TV tempting people buy their products. Media is used to make people all over the world know about a certain product. They make sure in advertisement to add something that will attract a certain part of the population to buy their product. For example toys will have happy kids having a very good time on their advertisements. This will attract the kids to this product.

Media also impacts our culture by influencing people to act a certain way. For example media can show through advertisements strong men doing really cool things because they drink some beer. This can influence kids or people who do not usually drink alcohol to drink some. Or it can make you think that smoking is a cool thing for cool people. 

All these different ways in which media affects the society will affect you, the way you are, and act.

4 thoughts on “Impact of Media

  1. I like the ideas here! I wish they could have been further developed. These ideas are very similar to Tidiane’s. Check out his post too if you can.

  2. I think you did a very nice job explaining your points of view, as well as how you thought media impacted society in different ways. I wish I could’ve read it all, but ran out of time. The first two paragraphs were very well put though.

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